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SvD's List of Swedish Companies in Texas From the Swedish Trade Council's survey of Swedish companies along the Texas coast (as of 12 Oct 2007)
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Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce - USA
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ABB U.S. ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.
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Alfa Laval Alfa Laval´s core of operations is based on three key technologies: heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. All three technologies have great significance for industrial companies and Alfa Laval holds leading global market positions within its fields of technical expertise.
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Amveco, Inc. Amveco is a world leader in toroidal power products.
2231 |
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Certex CERTEX USA is one of the world's leading distributor of lifting products and services.
2477 |
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Ericsson Telecommunications, mobile broadband, telecom network transformation, ICT
2328 |
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Ginger Oil Ginger Oil AB är ett bolag i oljebranschen som aktivt utforskar, prospekterar och exploaterar olje- och naturgasfyndigheter. Verksamheten bedrivs till i USA i delstaterna Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan och Texas.
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IKEA Home furnishings, kitchens, appliances, sofas, beds, mattresses
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Jowa AB For many decades now, Jowa has been a trusted and reliable supplier of technical environmental protection equipment to the shipping industry. We have a product series for the treatment of oily water such as the Oily Water Separator, the Emulsion Breaking Unit and ODMCS. Jowa also has fresh water systems consisting of Desalination, Filters, AG-S/UV Sterilizer, Calorifiers, Hydrophores and Sewage Treatment Plants.
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Lamiflex AB Den ursprungliga Lamiflexprodukten utvecklades av en av våra nuvarande kunder för att skydda rör och stänger under transport. Produkten Lamiflex erbjuder ett utmärkt mekaniskt skydd, och framställs av miljövänliga komponenter. Det gör den till en produkt som verkligen representerar framtidens förpackningsmaterial. Dess komponenter är hardboard, vilket är producerat av endast träfibrer, papper/plast och smältlim.
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Laurin Maritime Aktiebolag Laurin Maritime operates a modern fleet of tankers for oil products and chemicals worldwide.
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MCT Brattberg Inc MCT Brattberg skyddar människor och egendom genom design, utveckling och tillverkning av kabel- och rörtätningar av mycket hög kvalité. Dessa används i högriskzoner till sjöss och på land, för att minimera risker som spridning av eld, vatten, gas, kemikalier och andra farliga ämnen.
“Putting Safety First” - Säkerheten framför allt - är kärnan i vår affärsverksamhet.
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Nynas Providing specialty oil products such as naphthenic oils, bitumen and fuel distillates.
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Olaer AB The Olaer Group is focussed on hydraulic accumulators and oil coolers serving a diverse range of industries.
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Polarn O. Pyret Clothing for children 0-12 (and Dad and Mama, too!)
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Saab Rosemount Tank Gauging Rosemount TankRadar® is the global standard, to which every competitor benchmarks themselves. Major players on the marine, on-shore and process markets use Rosemount TankRadar® to ensure safe and reliable level control.
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Scandinavian Airlines System SAS is Scandinavia's leading airlines and offers flights to over 100 destinations worldwide. SAS is part of the Star Alliance™ network.
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Stena Bulk Stena Bulk is a leading international tanker owner. The company has a controlled fleet of about 70 tankers.
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Tetra Pak Tetra Pak is a multinational food packaging and processing company which offers packaging solutions, filling machines and processing solutions for dairy, beverages, cheese, ice-cream and prepared food, including distribution tools like accumulators, cap applicators, conveyors, crate packers, film wrappers, line controllers and straw applicators.
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